How fitting is this...perfectly fitting for where I am in my life. Yesterday was the beginning of Lent. I really wanted to open my mind and heart completely this year and embrace Lent to the fullest. While at church yesterday (not my normal church either, I found an awesome new church that I think I will be visiting more often) I got this booklet for lent, I grabbed it without paying much attention to its content until I got home. Then it was a "wow" moment. The title is "Fasting from our clutter" I couldn't help but think of how perfectly this fits into the new goals I have set for my life to reduce clutter and move towards a more simpler life.
Lent is here. ready of not, the big question is always: How are we going to "do" Lent this year? May I suggest going on a fast from the various types of clutter in our lives, beginning with the "outer regions" of life-our personal habits and the clutter in our homes Then we will move to mental and spiritual clutter as the weeks progress toward easter. We can fast from the confusaion and the busy-ness that characterize our culture. If we use thisperiod to open our hearts, we willl be well prepared to celebrate Easter.... By Susan Rowland
Then it goes into a daily bible readings and "food for thought" so to speak for the next 40 days. I have made a committment to myself to take 15 minutes in the morning to read and reflect. I think it will fit so well in what I am searching for right now. Todays blurb read ' This culture urges me to so much. In what ways is the rush and busy-ness of my life not truly necessary, but an effort to win the approval of others-in other words, to "gain the whole world"?
I know so much of what I do on a daily basis is not really necessary and yet the things that are so important to me I am not making adequate time for. This bothers me....friends I have not connected with in weeks, books that I was reading have been laid down and not picked up again, crochet projects half way done and then neglected. So today I will ask myself..."is this really necessary?" and if it is not I will simply move on.