Saturday, February 16, 2008

I had a Valentine of my very own!

His name is John. And he is a wonderful man. It has been many, many years since I have had someone in my life for Valentines day. But this year I did and he made me feel so amazingly special. It was a crazy week at work as you can imagime and a bit stressful too. We had plans to get together in the evening so I assumed (you know what they say about that) he would bring something for me at that time. But surprise, surprise these gorgeous roses showed up at my work at around 10 am. I was so shocked, surprised, amazed and happy. It really touched my heart. He is an amazing man with such a gentle heart and he treats me so well. And he really "gets" me, he listens, really listens and pays attention. He wants to know my true heart and I can be completely honest with him. That is so freeing, to be my true self and be loved for it.

It is just the beginning so we are both trying really hard to stay level headed but it is very difficult. The beginning is the best part. I love spending time with him and getting to know him better and better. The more I get to know, the more deeply I fall. We have been dating for about 2 months but decided to be "official" about 2 weeks ago. There was something there we just could no longer deny. And I am so glad we are open to our true feelings about one another. It is the only way to really see where this could go. So we are "all in" and it is amazing!

(This is a picture of John and I before we were "official".)


kimberly said... happy for you, so deserve the gift of someone sharing your life and treating you kindly.....happy day to you!

Carol Dunton said...

Oh my cutiebug!! Is this just the greatest?? The universe is gifting you with what you sooooo deserve! The pictures are beautiful and the flowers are stunning! I am so glad that you and John are 'official'! : )))

Cory said...

Soooo happy for you Karyn. You are an amazingly caring person and you deserve to treated with amazing care!!!

Carolyn said...

Found you while surfing Blogger. Very nice Blog. Love the Roses!


cassie said...

i am so happy for you karyn. as others have said, you are such a beautiful person, and you deserve everything fantastic in life! i hope things continue to bring you happiness!