Thursday, April 10, 2008

April is a month of acceptance...

April is turning out to be bitter sweet for many reasons. A month of acceptance, a month of changes and challanges for me. I have accepted an offer on my cabin. We are still in the inspection period so I am not allowing myself to 100% accept it, because it could still change but it looks solid so far. It is scheduled to close at the end of the month. Again, another bitter sweet goodbye. For those who really know me and even for those who just know me through my blog can tell how special that place is to me. I am going to go back up for one last weekend, a "goodbye" visit so to speak. It will be tough but it is all part of my overall financial plan. Aleviating this payment will help me so much on a month to month basis.

I have had some time over the past few days to enjoy the weather and be outside a lot. This is when I am happiest. I have done some yard work so my yard is looking much better and much more enjoyable to be in. On tuesday I went for a drive. I was feeling very trapped in town and needed to get some air and get out of "stucco land" so I headed east towards Canyon Lake. I found a beautiful spot to rest and admire natures spplendor in this display of wildflowers. I instantly felt my body relax. Here are some pictures from my travels...


Carol Dunton said...

Oh my girl! I totally relate to your need for a drive! I have said THE VERY SAME THING TO MYSELF FOR A WEEK! Did I go? No. I should have planned something with you. Karyn, as sad as I am for the sale of the cabin, I am more excited for you gaining control over your finances and life! This is a major accomplishment and as hard as it hurts, in another month, you will feel that hurt ease as the security and gain in finances becomes evident! I love you and I give you credit for doing something that is hard to do. Stay strong, dear friend. Can you come over for dinner some night in the next week?? : )

kimberly said...

so sorry to hear this, karyn.....i know this place held and will still hold a special place in your heart.....a much needed place to find refuge....and beauty...but there is also the relief in finding burdens lifted...even when it isn't easy.....i am just so happy that we got to spend some time in your sweet will always have a special place in my heart also...and for the others who got to visit!
thinking of you,

jessamyn said...

oh karyn! i had no idea!!! i know that you are a smart woman...smarter than I will ever be...but I know this holds challenge for you and I hope that you have an amazing time up there for your last visit.
relish it and celebrate all that it has given you.

cassie said...

i know that this place was a VERY special place to your heart. i hope your trip up there is beautiful, silent, cozy, and lovely....filled with whispers of the love that filled it for a short time.

hope you are doing well, Karyn!