Thursday, August 9, 2007

Randomness is fun

I have been tagged by Jessamyn. So here are a few random facts about me.
1. I love anything vintage...books, fabric, furniture, name it, I love it.
2. My favorite color is blue.
3. I love doesn't matter, I love them!
4. My childhood was amazing! I wouldn't change a thing about it. I lived in a great neighborhood with 12 kids I knew from the time I was 2 years old. I cherish those friendships till this day. We played kickball, rode bikes, played in the "woods", sleigh riding in the winter, beaches in the summer, went to the pizza parlor, had block was fantastic, there was always someone around to play with (Families don't move every 3-5 years like they do out here)
5. I LOVE the beach! I can't wait to be able to sink my feet in the sand again.
6. I love Italian food and miss my mama's cooking.
7. I got my first job when I was 14 years old (I told them I was 16 to get the job!)
Guess what VB? Your it! (your the only other blogging friend I have besides Jessamyn)


Carol Dunton said...

I've been tagged? As in flashlight tag?? Ever play that as a kid??? Loved the unknowns about you... some I knew and some I did not!! :) Okay, Okay... I will try getting this overwhelmed-with-the-opening-of-school brain of mine to cooperate... 5 things, hmm?? Let's see...
: 0

Nonnie said...

Fun to visit and find out some random things about you, Karyn! :) I love the beach too. Can't wait, as we are leaving for the San Juan Islands the end of this month! I'll breathe a little beach air for you too!