Saturday, May 26, 2007

Random acts of kindness...

They happen every day. My dear friend Jessamyn had an amazing thing happen to her this week, its on her blog titled "the law of attraction and the goodness of human kind" It is a story that will warm your heart. Jess, her wonderful husband and their 2 adorable children have had a rough go of it there for a while. However, they decided to treat themselves to dinner out, with a tight budget they decided to go anyway. Much to their surprise they did not have to pay for dinner....a random act of kindness was bestowed on them. It was an amazing story much better told by her.

The story touched me and brought tears to my eyes. That man had no idea of their situation but graced them with a wonderful gift. I challenge each of you go through your there a random act of kindness you can do for someone else. It could be as simply as helping an elderly neighbor, or offering to babysit so a young couple can have a date night, anything really. Life is hard, make a difference. You never know what is going on in peoples lives.

1 comment:

Carol Dunton said...

well, through tears I am saying how lovely this post is, and your friends. It has especially settled in me, because one time a friend and I were having lunch at a restaurant...and an elderly couple came in ... the gentleman tenderly held his wife's purse as she manuvered her walker around tables and chairs to get to their seats. He was so kind, patient and gentle with her...they obviously had been together for many years, and through much. I was overcome with I was just ending my long marriage in grief and despair...and here...walking by me, was what I admired... committment and longevity. My friend and I gave our waitress money and had her give it to the couple in a gift card...with a note... God bless you two... many life continue to hold many blessings for you... and we quietly left the restaurant without them knowing who had sent it. I sometimes look back on that day...and it is not the present, the meal I ordered or the dessert that I ate that I remember... I remember the sweet kindness of love and devotion of an elderly couple..and being able to gift them with a token of my admiration. Thank you for sharing this post, Miss K... the message is one which I needed to be reminded of and kicked in the butt to do. I shall, indeed, do a random act of kindness this week.