Thursday, May 3, 2007

Happy Anniversary sweet cabin!

My little cabin celebrated its one year anniversary (coincidently enough it was also my parents 40th wedding anniversary) It has been one heck of a year! Quite a roller coater ride some might say. I went back and forth a few times about weather or not I would be able to keep it and I finally made the decision to keep it! I am thrilled!

I feel blessed, truly blessed to have my cabin. It's where my heart is. Like I've quoted before..."This corner of earth smiles for me" ...thanks velvet brick

I had a wonderful three days. It always helps me put things in perspective. One my first morning there I was out on my front porch enjoying my coffee and my getting my daily dose of "Simple Abundance" and look who goes walking down my street, yes right in front of my cabin, good thing I had my new camera handy. Nature is truly amazing, in the next few minutes a bunch of friends follwed him and off they went. It was so beautiful and peaceful.

I took the boys down to my favorite place. I love to hike along this stream. It is so quiet and relaxing. The boys loved running around and splashing in the stream. Musashi likes to chase the birds and romp in the water. The air was cool, the sun was shining and all was right in my little world. It surprised me how long I could just sit and listen to the water. We hiked about 2 miles along the stream, because it was a weekday we had the place all to ourselves. I now know one thing for sure...I don't belong in the valley. I need to get up north, not sure how or when but I know its where I need to be. I have been feeling it for a long time but now I "know" it.


Carol Dunton said...

I know you are meant to be there, too, my friend... it's where your spirit wants to be.... and how could one not see that....look at those beautiful pictures...that sweet doe looking cautiously at you... Oh, to have this beauty of nature greet you every day...
come over Saturday....we'll let the planning begin! : )

Carol Dunton said...
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Carol Dunton said...

I know you are meant to be there, too, my friend... it's where your spirit wants to be.... and how could one not see that....look at those beautiful pictures...that sweet doe looking cautiously at you... Oh, to have this beauty of nature greet you every day...
come over Saturday....we'll let the planning begin! : )