Monday, June 11, 2007

Gloriously gloomy and grey...

The weather today is just fabulous. I am loving it. A gloomy day to match my gloomy mood. I have felt really off the past week, not sure why. Nothing specific has happened, I just feel weird. I am trying hard to get myself out of it, but nothing is really working. I have found some temporary relief from it but nothing that lasts very long. I hope I start to feel better soon. It would be one thing if I had a reason, but I just don't. Anyway, I will enjoy the day without sun for a change. I hope you enjoy it too!


jessamyn said...

you really did capture the gloom in that pic. i sooooo enjoyed the day yesterday....hoping that you get what you can from the grey and move on with the sun! I love you dear friend. Let me know if you need some company.

Carol Dunton said...

Oh my dear Miss K... You got an awesome picture! I didn't have that over my house... My dear friend.... I, too, know how gloomy days are...and sometimes the gloom has to run it's due course. You have much on your mind, and much in your heart. You may feel blue right now, but I promise you that it will pass. Each day, the 'g' in gloom transforms into a 'b' in bloom a little bit... Your bloom it there. I can see it! Love you...